A New Kind of School.
At The School of Creative Arts, we believe that each of us has a creative birthright as God's image-bearers. Many people do not see themselves as "creatives," but God has beautifully crafted each one of us, and one of the many ways we reflect His character and glory is in our creative expressions.
For centuries, some of the most beautiful, influential art was born out of the Church, and we want to see that happen again. We want to broaden your definition of art or what it means to be a creative. We want to see new expressions of God's goodness and faithfulness through personal, original, inspired moments of creativity.
We believe that all creativity comes from one source but is expressed in immeasurable ways. And because God's splendor and wisdom are infinite and endless, so His inspiration for us is also endless!
People come to know God and understand the gospel through teaching, revelation, and creativity, and we believe that when we invite someone to meet God, we need to set the table with all of those things. Creativity brings the gospel to life and helps people understand God in new ways. It's like hearing a song you didn't know to listen for. And what we love about our creative expressions is that the only boundary on our craft is holiness! Beauty and holiness are the guidelines for your creative birthright.
Beauty is the freedom.
Truth & holiness are the boundaries.
Feelin’ Creative Yet?
We offer exceptional teaching and training through classes, workshops, and one-day intensives.
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit, and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
John 4:23-24